Core Leadership Area (CLA) Directors
College Relations/Emerging Professionals- The College Relations/Emerging Professional Director assists and promotes student activities in the local area. Communicates state and HSRM goals and policies relative to student chapters and student membership to the local chapter. Focuses on recruiting and retaining young professionals in the chapter through education and events. Works with the student chapter in an outreach effort to transition students to chapter membership.
Diversity/Inclusion- The Diversity Director monitors and evaluates state and local activities concerning diversity and inclusion issues and works to encourage involvement at the employer level.
Government Affairs- The Legislative Director monitors and evaluates pending federal, state, and local legislative, regulatory, and legal activities that may have an impact on the management of human resources. Communicates SHRM legislative affairs policies and goals to chapter members. Plans and organizes annual Law Conference.
SHRM Certification- The Certification Director promotes SHRM activities within the chapter and secures credits for all educational activities.
Membership- The membership Director provides leadership to membership activities to recruit at-large SHRM members and non-affiliated HR professionals.
SHRM Foundation- The Foundation Director educates, promotes, and represents the interests of SHRM Foundation and its activities to the chapter membership
Workforce Readiness- The Workforce Readiness Director monitors and evaluates local activities concerning workforce readiness issues and plans and encourages local employer involvement in activities impacting the workforce readiness arena.
Media Relations & Marketing- The Media Relations & Marketing Director promotes awareness of the purpose and actions of the chapter through ongoing communication efforts and branding initiatives, using social media tools. Make sure that HR professionals, both in and out of the chapter are fully informed of chapter resources and activities by using existing and developing social media. Work closely with other chapter board members to ensure that the chapter leadership is portraying a consistent and professional image to its members and to the business community at large. Work cwith other board members to develop materials for promoting events and membership.
Member Service Area (MSA)- The MSA Director(s) assist in membership recruitment and retention in their designated geographical area as well as plan and promote events for members in that area.
Leadership- The Leadership Director plans and organizes events focusing on support for members who are also leaders in their organizations. Plans and organizes annual Leadership Conference.
Chapter Committees
Community Service- The community service committee works to plan, organize, and promote an annual event for chapter members to give back to community non-profits
Marketing- The marketing committee works to develop marketing materials to promote chapter membership and events
Nomination- The nomination committee works to present a slate of offices for leadership roles and ensure a succession plan for board officers
Membership- The membership committee works with the Membership Director to plan, organize and promote events geared towards membership recruiting and retention
Social- The social committee works to plan, organize, and promote social networking events for all chapter members or targeted groups of chapter members
Fundraising- The fundraising committee assists the Foundation Director in planning, organizing, and promoting events to benefit SHRM Foundation